Monday 7 January 2013

Make It Or Break It: Lauren Edition Part Two

Another week, another batch of leotards. I can't wait until the real gymnastics season begins, or at least the major meets. First up is the Nastia Liukin Supergirl cup which features amazing junior and senior athletes, most of whom end up competing for various colleges. Then the American Cup very soon after. The Visa Nationals and then Worlds toward the end of the year. It sounds strange considering I'm Australian but I'm a poor uni student who can't afford to travel to even the Australian Nationals, let alone a car. Unfortunately I'm left with watching the major events that are televised, most of which are American, but I don't mind at all, the US has a large pool of amazing gymnasts.

Sorry for that rant, I just felt a little background information would do some benefit.

 A nice shade of blue I must say, and simple. Unfortunately the picture does no justice to Cassie Scerbo's amazing womanly curves, and I wonder if the colours or the shiny material contribute to that. The white arrow shape is a nice way to break up the blue. Yeah it's a simple leotard and everyone has one in the same style but that's because it works on just about everyone.

At first I captured this screenshot because I didn't care for this leotard but after a few weeks of not seeing it I have less harsh words to say about it. The black, as ever a slimming tone that looks almost leathery because of it's shininess. The orange flames are wrong for a few reasons, firstly, they're upside down and burn towards her crotch and secondly because it's orange. On Lauren. Queen of the super orange tan. Perhaps if the colour was changed and the flames were contorted into a different shape I'd be more of a fan.

Ah yes, the leotard from the "learn my routine" episode. The black is again nice on Lauren but the spiky green..Whatever it is isn't the best, another colour another shape would do the dear much better. In fact if the shape was changed I think it's be quite a nice choice. However from memory I believe there is a silver stripe outlining the green shape. I've said it before and I'll say it again, silver on a leotard tends to look cheap. I've yet to see it used in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

My first impression of this leo had me thinking that it'd be nice for UCLA. The navy is quite nice and if she hasn't lost weight it's quite slimming. If I'm not mistaken I think this is a sleeveless version of MIOBI's Worlds leotard. It looks almost a bit much with sleeves but without it's quite fancy. It's a less fancy choice for Lauren but it's probably a reflection on the fact that in this scene Lauren imitates Payson and her all brute and power bars routine. However you'd never see Payson dead in this leotard. A Lauren sassy pants version of Payson?

Here we go, the very first leo of the third and final season of MIOBI. The silver, still not working for me. Green, we've seen Lauren in this shade of green before and it's worked but in this case it's not the right colour for the design. The design itself isn't terrible, if the colour combination was different I think this would be quite nice.

Are words even needed here? Well we'll have a crack at it. The colour is wrong wrong wrong, and the crystals are unnecessary. Pick a different colour, don't add crystals and perhaps think about putting a pattern on it. I love Cassie Scerbo's figure, she's a beautiful girl but with the colour and the simplicity it makes her look bigger than she is.

Conflicted is the right word to describe the feeling when I saw this first. The design is unusual, orange usually doesn't work on Lauren and most people would rip this leotard apart. I don't know, if it was on any other person I'd probably hate it. I think if it were for commercial sale I'd offer up several different colour combinations and probably get rid of the yellow, change the orange arch and finally alter the orange underwear blob to look less like... Well, underwear.

Ugh, the Olympic Trials leotards. Whoever decided to order these was an absolute fool. Every single one of them is just a bad choice. On other real gymnasts it'd probably look better but the color combination is such a bother. I get the whole stars and stripes vibe but the colours are red, white and DARK blue. The light blue is so wrong with the white and red. I'm not a fan of mesh in most leos but I appreciate the colour of them. And the overall white, not many gymnasts go for white leotards, because it doesn't look good on many people. A poor girl like Cassie is made to look bigger than she it and the poor choice in colours is likely partly responsible for the hate on her and Ayla Kell for not looking like "traditional gymnasts". Well, the show is primarily a drama with a smidge of gymnastics in it, of course the producer and the director went for actors who would act rather than casting real gymnasts who couldn't act. But also there are plenty of successful gymnasts with those girl's shape, albeit with much more muscle tone.
Whoops, went on a rant there, perhaps it was more entertaining that just talking about leotards. Speaking about the hate on the actors brings back memories of a particularly horrible person on IMDB who goes by the screenname "Dukesy" or something like that. He was Ayla Kell's biggest hater. It's unfortunate because I like her, she's a ballerina and she is the shape that she is.

Speaking of Ayla Kell, next week will be on the leotards she's worn throughout MIOBI. It'll be one part because theres about twelve that I've picked out as opposed to the many for the other characters. It's not out of hate, many of her leos are either too plain or repeats or just not worthy of mentioning, which probably means that it wasn't a disaster.

Once again I'm more than willing to review choices sent to me, feel free to send a topic on gymnastics or dance even and I'll try to comment on it in the next edition.

Until next time gymmies.

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