Tuesday 1 January 2013

Make It Or Break It: Lauren Edition Part One

Hello again, or for the first time. Today I'll be going through the character Lauren from MIOBI's wardrobe, however I'll split it into two parts because there are so many choices and after looking over my previous post I figured that it's a bit too much and people are prone to get bored if there's too much to read. I totally understand, happens to me all the time.

For now we'll start at the beginning, in which Lauren features in a ridiculous shiny orange leotard with a darker orange racer back that does nothing to complement her skin...Which is equally orange. Nothing much to see, not really worth uploading. However what she wears to her club meet, not the case at all.
Hmm, where to start. Perhaps with the stripe on the neck, it's odd and is much like the leotards of the 70s and 80s. And then the colours, Orange and red, not bad colours to put together but in this case it is. The patterns and the colours do not go together at all and the swirls look like they're not sure where to go, "shall I crawl around her arm this way or that way?". Not to mention the colours on this particular character, who is as tan as can be without crossing into fluorescent territory. Just...no, never put someone in clothing the same colour as their skin or hair, it just doesn't mesh well.

I don't hate this leo, I really don't. Something about the blue stripes calms the granny smith green down. In fact I rather like the blue on Lauren, it goes well with her hair colour and skin tone as well as drawing your attention away from the green in the background that normally would be pretty bad. As a whole, it's not bad at all. 6/10

Here we go, first off the pattern is just terrible. It looks like a shark is trying to eat her chest, or maybe she's trying too hard to represent her club, the Rocky Mountain Gymnastics Club. Also, the colours aren't great. Despite saying that blue suits Lauren, this particular shade does nothing because the shiny green-yellow just overtakes the whole garment and makes her look silly. An interesting thing to mention is that this leo is repeated at least three times throughout the first season on the same person and although that isn't terrible is strange because you'd think the bitchy rich girl would be someone who would have the most wardrobe changes and while other characters also repeat leotards it just seems like Lauren could have been given a more diverse wardrobe. Or maybe it could be that this leotard should never be worn several times let alone once.

More green. It's granny apple green but this isn't a travesty. Something about the shade gives the overall look a tropical feel. However, where leotard designers do good, they do bad. And in this case is the white stripe across the boob. Wrong place and too thick. If white could be added to the leo in some other way I think it'd be a hit.

Interesting leotard choice for episode ten considering the China meet at the end of the season, obvious foreshadowing given the colour choice. I'm still not sure if I like or dislike this leo because I don't love it and don't hate it. I like the red on Lauren and the gold complements it well. The problem lies with the way the gold is added to the leo, the strap is fine and the cut is refreshing and new but the star on the side isn't the worst side addition to a leo but it takes away from the wearer's figure. On the other hand if you take away the star the leotard becomes quite plain which isn't bad but it highlights the shiny fabric and detracts from the overall look.

Bad quality picture but I only had seconds to get it and I'd be damned if I didn't capture Lauren in this nice simple blue tank. For starters it's a lovely shade of blue and the white complements it quite well with the stripes not being overbearing but making sure that it isn't too plain. I don't really have much more to say but I really felt I had to show how the right leotard can make all the difference.

We're back. Ho hum, shiny gold fabric is a big no-no for the simple reason that it's tacky and looks cheap. The sharp cutting pattern isn't particularly flattering and if you stare at it long enough it resembles a clown's collar. Also, the gold is dangerously close to Lauren's skin colour which in this case doesn't do as much damage as wearing orange does.

Is it me or does she seem tanner? (Pun intended). Seriously though it could be the lights it could be a fresh tan that hasn't toned down but this green thing isn't doing Lauren any favours. The black stripes do nothing to hold back the obnoxious advance of the green monster. If in doubt, just don't do it.

Final leo of the week, from season two episode five. I still very much find red a suitable colour on Lauren but the animal print makes me think this leo would be suited on a tumble tot. Somehow, this combination works. It almost makes Lauren look innocent because animal print is more typically seen on children's leotards.  Not the worst offender but not a great success either.

And that's all I've got for this week folks. I hope you enjoy and recommend this blog to people interested in leotard fashion if you feel this qualifies as decent reading. Feel free to recommend leotards to be reviewed and post comments on what you think of these leos, I'd love to hear other opinions.

Next week: Make It Or Break It: Lauren Edition Part Two

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