Wednesday 23 January 2013

Make It Or Break It: Groups and Everything Else Part One

Good afternoon dear jellybeans, I know I'm late writing a new entry, I've been dealing with uni stuff and it's been hectic. That and I just didn't feel like writing, I apologise, that sounds like I don't care enough about my readers to provide consistent updates. Ahh well, it's only a day or two late and we're back on track. This particular edition will be in two parts because there's about 25 selections in my folder and I refuse to cut down. On a side note I hope Vika gets the rest she needs, poor bugger was being worn out from carrying the Russian team while Musty was getting back on her feet and the new seniors were getting their toes wet. I look forward to seeing her back and more determined to win gold than ever!

It's a poor shot, I'll admit it, angles are just silly. But I think you get the idea on how...Interesting these two are. Lets start with Payson, Velvet, we went there last time so that's strike one, second strike would be the poor pattern cut over her boobs, it makes them look small and we know that girl has a chest. That and the rhinestones accentuate the silly line that chops her boobs in half. I think we get the picture there.

Onto Lauren, alright its even harder to see what she's wearing but from memory there's a white stripe on the other side from shoulder to hip. I'm not overly wowed but it's not a terrible shade of blue either. Perhaps if the lighting didn't make it look so shiny I'd be more inclined to liking it. I dunno, ths one's in between.

At first I wasn't crazy on this one, but now that I look at it nearly a year later, I like it. It's kinda crazy looking with the different coloured swirlies but it works because of the black background. Something about the swirlies and the pastel colours make me think some sort of alternate form of this would work on the Australian team. Or maybe I'm thinking of rhythmic gymnast Jenine Murray and her crazy ass leotards from London. Although I did like her routines, AIS really seems to like wolf turns. Ok that went a little off track but overall I like this one, it's nice and simple and not too whacky.

Shiny silver fabric, it's not the terrible light silver, more of a grey but still an abhorrent colour. And then it had to be mixed with the purple in a completely unflattering way. The pattern is silly and the black outlining it makes it even more unflattering. If the grey fabric were black it'd be more appealing. On an unrelevant note don't you just love Jordan's expression? It's like she's saying "Bitch, please"

It's too much, clearly but I like it. I normally hate the v-cut neck but it's not too bad. The deep blue is super flattering with Jordan's skin tone. I could love this leo more if there were no rhinestones on the neckline, sleeves, or at all I suppose. Okay, I'll let the rhinestones stay around the star in the middle but that's it!

The one decent leotard Chelsea Hobbs gets to wear and it's not even great. White is a tough colour to wear in the gymnastics world, it's hard to make it work. I think it looks nice on Chelsea, but the shiny flames reaching toward her crotch are just weird. I can't tell if the cut of the legs is too tight but it's not making her body look as good as it is. If you look to where the leotard ends and the leg begins you notice her body seems to be trying to escape, "Help me, I'm being crushed by a small garment". I'm sure it looks like that on a lot of people, hell when I try on the one leotard I own I get balloon thighs. I just wonder why it looks like that because if you look over at Josie, she has no ballonage whatsoever. I'm just gonna take a guess and say her genes are better than the rest of us. Lucky girl.

As for Josie's leotard, I quite like it. The black is shiny, almost leathery but it's quite nice. The childish pink is minimal and the stripes across her torso are nice and thin, perfectly flattering. It's a nice mature look and I'm very much a fan. How about you guys?

Perhaps I spoke too soon. It's a strange shade of pink, close to red in the dark and almost fluorescent magenta in the light. Not to mention the awkward swirlies across her chest. It's not a horrible leotard, but I think it'd suit a younger gymnast much more. If they'd be willing to swallow the pricetag that is.

Kelly Parker, bitchy rival turned friend. I wish she hadn't been cut, she was really turning into a fan favourite. Her hairstyle I wont miss however, something about tight buns on top of someone's head always gets to me, especially the ridiculous ones of Dance Moms Miami, it's like the got a golf ball and wrapped the kid's hair around it. Anywho, onto the leotard. It's a rehash of the leos used in the first season when we briefly see the Denver Elite gym. I like this leo, I love the blue and the white and red stripes aren't hideous. However I wouldn't choose this leo for this actress. I dunno if it's the lighting but it makes the poor girl look bigger than she is, in casual clothes she looks smaller than this.

Shiny silver fabric, check. Distracting v-cut neckline, check. Baby pink, check. All in all, not one of the design choices make the leo look good.

As for KP's leo, I like it. It's a simple, classic design we see all the time and it works. The red is nice and refreshing, the silver, if used appropriately (see here) can add to the overall aesthetic and the black ensures it doesn't go overboard. I'd take it with every colour possible where the red it.

I wasn't a fan of Lauren's leo but now I am. The shade of blue is lovely and the black doesn't override it, the pattern isn't weird and wacky, the rhinestones are used minimally to accentuate it. In fact I love it.

Oh Kaylie, shiny pink/gold fabric, just don't do it, I'll be too distracted staring at your leo too watch your gymnastics. The pattern is just strange and it looks like those funky scissors that put a wavy pattern into your paper.

Instant fan here. I love deep royal blue, it's a great shade. The white is a perfect compliment to break up the space and the rhinestones add a little sparkle to the garment. I'm not sure if I'd pick this colour on KP because although it goes quite well with her skin it doesn't show off her curves, rather it makes her look like a blocky blob. I'd be interested in seeing what Chelsea Hobbs looks like in this one though, I imagine it'd be stunning.

Disaster, complete and utter disaster. The green was a bad choice from the start, another difficult colour to work on anyone. In fact it's rare that jungle green works on any gymnast. I'm not even sure what colour the shiny swirls are, it looks like a purple/blue. Not to mention the mesh sleeves. I'm not sure I'll ever be a fan of them because all I stare at is the seam where the sleeve meets the rest of the leo. It drives me nuts.

I can see why Kaylie didn't want to wear the match to KP's strange choice. I agree with Kaylie in disliking 3/4 sleeves. It makes me feel like the manufacturer ran out of fabric and said *bleep* it, just fold the fabric and make a seam. I'm not a fan of the pink and white together on the same garment, it just looks odd, not to mention the pattern is strange. Perhaps some sort of analogy to Kaylie and KP's situation? KP the pink blob trying to get into Kaylie's inner circle and befriend her for real and Kaylie the white blob repelling KP's advances. I know, I'm just making crap up now. But it's a nice thought.

In the beginning I liked what Kaylie is wearing, the more I look at it the less I like it. The black and silver swirls/hands/peace symbols? whatever they are look like they were just put there to fill space. I totally get it, I used to do that to handouts in class and see how much of the page I could fill before the teacher stopped talking. Many times I'd end up with colourful swirly papers. It made studying fun but in this case nope. I do however like the little cutout over the chest and the subtle rhinestoning. It's a nice pattern but I think it'd be ten times better if the main fabric was either plain or had a nicer print on it.

Hello, did we not just see Kaylie in an exact repeat of what Lauren is currently wearing? Except in differing colours. I still hate the funky scissor pattern but I like the two colours together. Sort of. Perhaps not on a leotard. I used to like it, now...Not so much.

Kaylie, what is it with you and pink and gold? I'd be more inclined to like the combination if the pink was just pink and not pink and gold. I actually like the sort of feathery/winged shape across the front, it's something I haven't seen before and with the two colours together it's quite nice.

Somehow my picture uploaded itself smaller than I wanted. Ahh well, we can all still see. Unless you're viewing on a tablet or iPhone, in which case I wish you luck. Off to the left side we have an extra, likely a legit gymnast who I'm too ignorant to know. Do not like her leo, the shark pattern and the colours. It looks like it would be fresh and new in the early 2000s but not now.

Lauren, I never really paid attention to her leotard because of the focus on her mother in the story but now that I see it as just a leotard. Dear god. Shiny pink on its own isn't a crime but mixing pink and white together should be. At least bright pink and white. Not to mention her heart is being burned away by pink fire.

Emily, your other fancy leotard. And it's terrible. Shiny silver, shiny grey. To me it's the same, a big fat to don't. Or rather, if in doubt, do not. And then we have the random crossing over with black velvet. If you read the last post I do believe you all know my stance on velvet in gymnastics. To mix the two worst fabrics together is just demonic. Why would you do that?

We can't really see the girl in the black and white in the background so she's off the hook but the girl in the purple/blue. I see you, hard not to with that fabric so shiny it makes polished chrome jealous. I love people wearing different leotards for the sake of wearing something different and pretty but when it's so shiny that it distracts half the audience into staring at the flipping tinfoil and not the gymnastics it's kinda time to step away. We can see you in that arena, you don't need to make yourself a lighthouse beacon.

It's taken me a long time to write this entry, in fact I've been struggling with it for about two hours. My internet wouldn't save so I'd have to go and do something else, I'd stop writing to admire the sex god that it Niko Pepaj on Bunheads. Or watch the amazing dancing of his character's sister. Then running around trying to find food and some sort of drink that isn't coke.

Until next time chikadees

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