I know all the NCAA meets already took place but I'm a lazy bugger and I still haven't finished watching the second session of the Big Ten Championships and I haven't watched the Super Six...Been saving the best for last. Anyhow, in this edition we review some of the leotards produced by Infiniti.
I hate to start on a bad note but I promise it definitely gets better. I appreciate the symmetry but in the world of garments you can't really do that so much. Bodies have shapes and it doesn't always work. The colour combination isn't bad, if you barrack for the Saints (Australian Football Team) that is. Honestly it's not the most unattractive leo we've come across, don't you agree? Stripes and the star aside it's not terrible.
I love love love this leo for the fact that it's simple, black and white is generally a great combination in leotards...Yet we don't see it often unless it's on Utah gymnasts. I wonder why that is? The stripes are in a not quite white not quite silver and it works. I don't know why you wouldn't like it. If you don't then post a comment, let us know why.
Just a side note, as I write I'm watching the second session of the Big Ten Championships 2013 and Jordyn Weiber doesn't have good prospects in terms of commentating in the future. Her tone is flat, she's stiff and her analysis is far too blah... I hate to compare gymnasts of different quads but Nastia is far better at public speaking, and even Shawn's commentating tops Jordyn's. I know, I know, she's still new at the public spotlight stuff but if you think about it not really. She's been around since..Well crap my gymnastics folder has killed itself and now I can't check videos but she's been around for a few years now. And ever since then she's been causing a stir, you'd think she's been interviewed enough to relax and be honest rather than being all stiff and giving robotic, scripted answers.
Come on Jordy, relax, let loose a little.
Ahem..Moving on.
Yeah, the exact same leo as before but I love this one too. In fact I came across this one months ago and upon revisiting the website today I saw the black and white version. In white on black or black on white it's great. Albeit this version has a pink on white and it's terrible.
Yeah, the colours are questionable but what I love about Infiniti is their diverse range of back styles. They have so many different options. Well, not options per se but on other designs there are different backs and I'm sure if you asked they could create a different back. I like this one for the back and the simple, classic design. I like the conflicting shiny and lizard-like shiny fabrics. It was seen on the MIOBI worlds leotard and it's seen here. Take off the cuffs, change the colours and I'd buy it no problems.
More black and white you wonder. I said it before, I honestly believe it's a good combo of tones. The stripes are simple and not overbearing. This leo comes with the stripes in yellow and green but the best look is here I think. It's just subtle and nice.
And back to wacky. The colours are fine, my bone to pick is the gold shapes. They make no sense. It makes me think it's a tame acrobat's costume in the circus. Designs like this make a joke of the sport, and I don't mean to be harsh but it makes the common man think it's just cartwheeling and prancing around.
Black and white, not bad. Pattern, absolutely wrong. Why a 'H' shape? It makes the poor woman look pear shaped, big butt small boobs. From behind it's much better...Because you can't see what makes it awful
Now I've been rather cruel to Infiniti, I don't mean to at all. In fact I like a lot of their designs, which is why there is another part. I even like the designs that haven't been made. However I won't post those because it's one thing in design and quite another on a person.
Until next time munchkins.